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Rune Grammofon

Alog 'Unemployed'


Rune Grammofon

Alog 'Unemployed'


Mainstays with Rune Grammofon since their debut Red Shift Swing in 1999, their new album Unemployed finds them on top of their game with what is arguably their finest effort so far.

It was recorded in a wide range of spaces and places, from recordings of Haugan and Eide as street musicians in San Francisco while touring, to scavenging old collections of 78-records in the mining town of Bjørnevatn in the far north-eastern part of Norway.

From on-the-spot recordings of Sigbjørn Apeland's legendary collection of vintage harmoniums in the St. Jakobs Church in Bergen, to high-end capture of the unique sounds of Alog's many custom built instruments in the studios of Notam in Oslo and BEK in Bergen.

For a period of three years Alog collected material from all kind of sources, times and situations and made new songs that constantly pushed their creative freedom in unexpected directions.

Playful, adventurous, mysterious and exploring, this is 76 minutes of experimental, yet accessible, music of the very finest sort and comes highly recommended.

1. Orgosolo I
2. Orgosolo II
3. The Weatherman
4. Zebra
5. Unemployed
6. Arkipel
7. Last Day At The Assembly Line
8. The Mountaineer
9. Baklandet
10. Bømlo Brenn Om Natta
11. Et Besøk
12. Spanish Record No. 9
13. Januar
14. Apeland